Thursday, February 25, 2010

Inner Space

Since this web log is all about the photographs, I decided to post some. I also wanted to be overly self-referential. I am prominently featured from the inside, unlike most of my previous photographic submissions. This way, you can see how I look from the point of view of my best friend, Snowball. My insides look good with flash as well as without the flash. You can especially see the inside of my overhead door, the unfinished interior walls, and you can barely see a switch in my picture. These are my most prominent indoor features.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy .Logging

Various pictures are posted below to show the snow. Fortunately, the sun causes great shiny areas of the pictures to occur. Slightly less fortunately, the sun melts the snow necessitating these pictures. In conclusion, these pictures are unnecessary. You do not need to see them. Thus, this paragraph ends.

On the brighter side, you can still see the great wall of snow on the west side of the driveway. It is getting larger, which is neat. I cannot wait to see how large it inevitably becomes and how long into the spring it ultimately endures. I am also glad that the transformer is prominently pictured. The first picture in particular is peculiarly electrically preeminent.

Some people like to hear themselves talk. I am like that, but not out loud. I can often be seen moving my lips while I read while I am, in fact, not reading.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

S'no Problem

As I was standing out in the snow the other day, I realized how good I have it. More to the point, I realized how good it is going to be once this snow is gone, the temperature is 60 degrees warmer (Fahrenheit), and the warmth of the sun becomes something to shield ones skin and eyes from rather than welcomed. I digress, however, the crux of the matter is such that I appreciate the summer, nay, I adore the three months, give or take, of summer, most of all, right now. In that way, winter really is the best season. The pure white snow not only reflects what little sunlight shining on us from the south, it refracts through space and time, from six months in the future, a faint glimpse of sun, surf, sand, sandals, and sandias. To sum up, I have way to much time to myself.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My, how I have grown. This is what I looked like last fall, if you were flying 200 feet above 14th Street. Crooked and small, I dominated an otherwise mundane backyard. Charming barn doors, a weatherproof pixelated roof, and surrounded by dead grass: These are things that can be seen from this low quality infoweb photograph. These are all things that I remember.

In Neighbor News, a passerby noticed my "modern"-ness, yet "classic"-icity, with my "light" and "window". Those were his exact words, so obviously, I was thankful. Unfortunately, I have little to write lately. I lack inspiration, muse, synonyms.