Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

I am writing this post because I thought it right that I come up with some resolutions for the new year. Conveniently, Real Estate New Year's Day occurs at the same time as American New Year's Day. Therefore, my real-istic resolutions are as follows, numbered for convenience, but not importance:
1. Achieve some shelving, for storage, to relieve the burden on my best friend, The Basement.
2. Hide my key somewhere extremely convenient, but not too near at hand, so that Ross does not get locked out again, but so that everyone else does.
3. Add a light that is visible primarily through the attic window, Old North Church style.
4. Throw a garage-warming party as soon as I invent a way in which that would sound remotely fun.
5. Connect to the Infoweb. (Note to self: Wireless is cheating, just who does WiFi think she is, anyway, that I could just check my email on the go? Where am I going? Am I going to a place too lazy to pull a wire to? No. There is no such place.)
6. Test acoustics, but not acoustically, rather with something plugged in.
7. Write a log with a plot, characters, and a theme that will actually be more interesting than a list.
8. Decorate my interior walls in some manner befitting a carhole. Street signs and license plates instantly come to mind although they are locally in short supply.
9. Hang a bicycle in a fashion difficult to ride.
10. Paint my service door a color other than primer, even though it is my favorite color.
11. Caulk minuscule openings. That is more of a reminder than a resolution, although I resolve to remember it as of this moment.
12. Putter to a significant extent. Three of the five words in the preceding sentence have only relative meanings.
13. Presently regret starting this list as it seems like a lot of work, and the list itself is no longer much fun at all to write.
14. Have a car parked inside every night.
15. Resolve another dynamite resolution (see 14).
16. Imagine a fictional back story involving a sordid history of love and loss, feast and famine, drought and drink, to impress my future friends and acquaintances.
17. Achieve a level of sophistication paralleled only by my humility.

That is the list. I was trying to resolve 365 things such that I would have something to do everyday. Nonetheless, one of the aforementioned resolutions will take an estimated 358 days and others will take minutes or hours thus rendering this rapidly becoming used new year just packed.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Anti-Climax Superstar

Here I am, the Hangar you all watched grow from a hole in the ground to the best carhole in town (and willing to compare). The third picture is probably my favorite because it is somewhat isometric. Need I say more? Also noteworthy are the new lamps. It just would not be right to use mundane A19's (even though they blow CFL's out of the metaphorical water), so they were aptly replaced with a T10 in the coach and the never bourgeois G40 in the gooseneck. Great.