Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Forthcoming pictures

There are pictures on their ways, or way as they will be traveling together. Reasonable excuses include, but are not limited to: Lack of adequate sunlight in the evening, the slacking of my official photographer (editor's note: Please excuse obvious Peter Parker reference and current explanation drawing attention to said reference), minimal progress at the front does not necessitate exorbitant photography, and a fourth reason to be named later.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A sad week in the world of automobile storage.

Well, these pictures tend to speak for themselves, but only to the extent that inanimate objects can speak. Therefore, I, the subject of said photographs, will say a few word on their behalf. I am in as much pain as it appears. From the hammer of sledge to the saw of Skil, from the bar of crow to the kick of boot, the pain continuously increased. The sedative of rain softens my wounds, but the cracks and splinters will always be here. My mind continuously meanders to the miracles of modern carpentry, and there it finds peace. Tomorrow is another day, and the day after that is also. That, however is the extent of my hope. I plan to take my current situation two days at a time. That is all for now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Post

Excited to be here. I have been going through some changes, but I think they are for the better. Here is a picture of how I looked last week. I think I looked rather svelte.